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Teaching Philosophy


Much of my teaching philosophy is based on what students have taught me:


  • That the creative process is an intuitive and very personal process to be encouraged and also carefully respected and protected.

  • That creating Art takes you to a whole different realm where age is not important.

  • That, in fact, Art often becomes a bridge between generations.

  • That every piece of Art has value, even our 'reject' Art, which we have learnt from, since this is an important step without which we cannot evolve as artists.

  • That good artwork almost always reflects who we really are.




Watercolor Classes at the ArtsCenter in Carrboro

Beginning Watercolor - From 4/16/2024 until 5/14/2024, 11 AM-2 PM











This watercolor course is broken down into simple steps especially for beginning students. Learn how to mix beautiful colors with a limited palette from primary and some secondary colors with simple and fun exercises. Students will learn about values, brushstrokes, washes, composition, contrast, focal points and more and will be able to walk away with some frameable art. Weekly demos and positive feedback of students' work will help students gain confidence and inspiration.

To sign up, learn more and see the materials required, please visit this page.


Intermediate Watercolor - From 4/17/2024 until 5/15/2024, 11 AM-2 PM











These classes for intermediate to advanced students will be building on traditional watercolor skills as well as incorporating various water-soluble media like, ink pens, watercolor sticks, gouache, Pentel oil pastels (resist painting) etc. to give more of an expressive character to the painting. Each class will have a different focus: mixing greens, painting skies, glazing and negative painting, etc. Weekly demos and positive feedback of students' work will help students gain confidence and inspiration.

To sign up, learn more and see the materials required, please visit this page.

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